
Dallas Fort Worth Foundation Repair

Concrete Slab and Pier and Beam Repairs



Q: How much does Dallas Fort Worth Foundation Repair charge for an estimate and what is involved?

A: Estimates are always free for homeowners. After you call the office and set an appointment, an estimator will come to your home. He will draw a map of your property and visually inspect the interior and exterior of the home, noting all signs of stress. He will then take a measurement of your floor elevations using a Zip Level.  This information if forwarded to our structural design team who will engineer a repair solution if your home is found to have a failure. 

Q: What are the main signs that should alert me its time to have my foundation checked for problems?

A: The main problems you should be concerned with are interior drywall cracks that are larger than hairline size, exterior cracks in the mortar and bricks, separation around door and window frames and doors that stick or don't latch properly.

Q: Should I be concerned about cracks in the slab or ceramic tile itself?

A: Minor cracks in the slab/ceramic tile and the corners of the foundation are a normal in this area and should be expected. They do not mean that you have a foundation problem.

Q: How long will my foundation repairs take?

A: The average job takes 1-2 days. Depending on the scope of work, the time frame may be greater

Q: Why do I tend to have more problems in the summer?

A: We live in an area that is notorious for movement in the soil. In the summer months as it becomes hot, everything begins to dry up. As the moisture is pulled out of the soil it shrinks, causing the house to move. In the winter, as it rains, the moisture is put back in the soil causing the foundation to move back.

Q: Will fixing my foundation close the existing cracks or open new ones?

A: It is possible to do both. The goal of foundation repairs is to return the house to as near its original horizontal position while trying to limit damage to the home.

Brick Cracks - the stair step brick cracks that you typically see on houses where the foundation has failed will generally close up when you lift the slab back into place. There is no guarantee that the cracks will close because each home is different and there are other factors that have more to do with the construction of the home.

Some small new drywall cracks are more common during the lifting process.

Q: Does watering really help prevent foundation problems and should I water if I have never had foundation repairs?

A: Watering the foundation is highly recommended year round. It helps keep moisture in the soil and can greatly minimize foundation problems. We ask all of our customers to start a watering program once their foundation has been repaired to achieve the best possible results. It can be used as a preventative measure also.

Q: Is running my sprinklers enough to water the foundation?

A: Sprinklers are not as effective as soaker hoses. The soaker hose allows for water to slowly penetrate deep down into the ground while the sprinklers will strictly reach a shallow depth. Even if you are using sprinklers, we still recommend soaker hoses.

Q: How do Foundation Repairs affect my plumbing?

A: Any time a slab foundation settles the plumbing pipes which are underneath and attached to the foundation can be damaged. They can also be damaged when you lift a house back towards its original position. Therefore, Dallas Fort Worth Foundation Repair recommends and can include a 3rd party Master plumber to test the plumbing before and/or after a job is completed.

Q: How long after the repairs should I wait to fix my mortar and drywall cracks?

A: Your wait will depend on how much the house has been lifted. The slab should not move after it has been lifted but the walls may need time to adjust to their new position. A general rule-of-thumb would be to wait 2-3 weeks after repairs are completed.

Q: Do I have to transfer my foundation repair warranty if I decide to sell my house in the future

A: We will transfer ownership information for free if notified within 60 days of property transfer. Everything in our office is filed by the property address in order to keep things simple. When a home is sold, upon notification of title transfer and a written request by the new homeowner, we will send the new owners a copy of the warranty with their information on it. The warranty stays with the address of the property for the lifetime of the house.

Q: Am I required to pull a city permit before having my foundation repaired, and if so, what is the process?

A: Many cities now require permits for foundation repair. This process usually includes an initial engineer's report that is submitted to the city along with the permit application. Once the repairs have been completed, the engineer will provide a final engineers letter that is turned into the city and in some instances the city will do a final inspection to close out the permit. We handle this process from start to finish for you. The price of permitting may be included in the estimate and you will be made aware of it up front. Feel free to call our office to see what your particular city requires.

Q: What will my yard look like when you’re done?

A: We take great care to return your yard to its original state. We will do our best to work around your existing plants and shrubs. If we are unable to work around them, we will dig them up, place them on plywood and continue to take of them through out the process. Once your repairs are completed we will replant them and haul of any excess dirt. Our goal is to leave your yard looking like we were never there.

Q: What are my finance options?

A: We work with numerous lending institutions currently offering loans for home improvements such as foundation repairs.  These loans are provided to borrowers and it is a simple process that can be done over the phone or over the internet. We also accept cash, check or credit cards. All payment are due upon completion of repairs.

Q: My home has a lifetime warranty. Does this mean that my entire house is covered?

A: Our lifetime warranty covers the pilings that we have installed for the lifetime of the home. If you previously had pilings installed along the back of the home but are now seeing problems in the front, it may require new work. We aren't able to correct problems in an area where we do not have pilings.

Q. Are home foundation repairs covered by insurance?

If your home’s foundation is damaged by a peril that is included in your home insurance policy, the repairs for those damages will be covered. However, foundations and slabs present unique challenges because they can often be damaged by perils that are commonly excluded from coverage under your homeowners insurance policy. Most home insurance policies exclude damage to the foundation as a result of settling, cracking, shrinking, bulging, or expansion of the foundation. There are a number of reasons why foundations shift over time. Soil is not always stable, the earth regularly shifts and something as simple as over watering your landscaping can cause over saturation of the soil. All of these potentially undermine the foundation of your home and are not considered the types of perils home insurance policies insure against. Policies also commonly exclude damage from earth movement and water damage, such as flooding. Other exclusions are those for anything that arise out of a lack of maintenance, such as tree roots that grow too large and cause shifting or cracking of the foundation. All of these are common causes of foundation damage, but they’re also typically excluded from home insurance policies. Therefore, while there is coverage for your foundation’s damage within your homeowners insurance policy, many of the most common causes will not be covered.

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(972) 961-4100 Office